Weight: 3.50 LT
  • Interior Points: 2 Point
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: A rough outdoor chair. It is designed to fit a lot of people.
    • - Price: Silver 360
  • - Durability
  • 50/50
Data Updated: February 9, 2020


  • You can buy Chair from the following NPCs:
  • Wocester in Olvia 1,200
    Furniture Vendor
    <Olvia Furniture Vendor of Olvia>

    • - Description: He dozes off all the time. It is unclear whether he is easy-going or just lazy. But once he makes up his mind to make furniture, you can expect a quality product in no time.
  • Sealus in Velia 1,200
    Furniture Vendor
    <Velia Furniture Dealer>

    • - Description: The Giant named Sealus is much more sensitive than he looks.
      As a furniture vendor in Velia, he risks everything for good timber, and goes out on his own to get it. This often results in personal injury.

      He specializes in furniture designed for women, and he insists that one must let their heart decide when buying furniture.